Honeycone Unfiltered Ear Candling Kit
Honeycone Unfiltered Ear Candling Kit
Pure Beeswax & 100% Unbleached Cotton Ear Candles
Honeycone all-natural ear candles are made with pure beeswax and 100% unbleached cotton. With a cone style that burns efficiently and a stop filter to stop wax falling back, this handmade ear candle has a 1cm barrel that tapers to 4mm-5mm at the insertions end.
How Does Ear Candling Work?
Ear Candling has been used by naturopaths and therapists for decades. When used, the ear canal is slowly and gently filled with warm air that helps to soften earwax. The heat enhances blood flow within the ear canal, promoting relaxation and an amazing feeling of well-being.
As the warm rises, it creates a vacuum at the base of the candle (like a chimney) that draws out waste and moisture from the ear canal.
Our Earcandles have a 1cm barrel tapering to a 4mm-5mm at the insertions end. A small cotton filter has been inserted to help prevent wax drips. No Guarantee of safety applies.100% unbleached cotton calico and pure Australian beeswax from a local Apiarist. Since 1998 handmade Australian excellence in Earcandling.